“My first experience with vinyl records must have been when I was quite young, maybe 10 or 11, sifting through an old box of records we had in the attic of my mom’s childhood home. She had collected a massive amount in her younger years, with everything from Simon and Garfunkel to Ella Fitzgerald. Unfortunately we’ve lost those records, but the experience of seeing all of them, dusty and old and beautiful, still sits with me today.”
“I can’t quite pin-point when I had my first listen through a vinyl player—I think I must have been quite young. I remember the beauty of the sound—it was old and nostalgic, in the best possible way. It reminds me of moments when I have time to just sit and listen—you can’t really listen to a record “on the go,” so it forces you to relax and actually really, truly enjoy the music.
It’s a wonderful counterpart to the way we usually listen these days—music being so easily accessible all the time, we hardly take the time to have a moment and listen, without being on our way somewhere.
I’ve recently started collecting my favourite records on vinyl—my mom recently gifted me with her beautiful vinyl player from the ’70s, and I couldn’t be more excited. I’m planning on putting it to good use.
I feel like a kid in a candy store when I’m in a vinyl shop—I had a gig in a lovely one in Berlin this summer and found one of my all time favorite records there (Ane Brun’s Changing of the Seasons). It’s almost embarrassing how excited I get when I find one of the records I cherish on vinyl—it really feels like a collector’s item—like I’ve found a treasure.
I’m hoping to release my new EP on vinyl when it comes out this spring—it’s something that I’ve wanted to be able to do for a while—knowing that hopefully people will do as I do when I listen to vinyl…sit down, and truly listen.”
—Siv Jakobsen
Siv Jakobsen releases single “How We Used To Love” on January 12th via Nordic Mellow Records and is about to set off on a tour of the UK. You can keep up to date with tour and single news via her website.
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