Needle Drop: EEVAH, “Simplify Life” EP

EEVAH’s EP “Simplify Life” is a captivating blend of catchy hooks, haunting melodies, and electrifying guitar riffs, alongside personal and relatable lyrics that delve into profound themes. The four track EP explores different topics like relationships and people pleasing, and has revealed a new, raw ferocity that is propelling this emerging duo.

Of the EP, the band say “We’ve always been a singles band because in some ways I think we were exploring what we were about and what we wanted to sound like. That’s probably the reason behind our ever eclectic back catalogue. But with this EP we wanted to nail down the EEVAH sound once and for all. It’s called ‘Simplify Life’ but the journey to the finish line has been anything but. It’s taken the addition of live drums for us to realise what’s important. Dynamics, storytelling, truth, soul, everything that we love about music thrown into the melting pot and served up in sonic slices under three minutes long.”

The opening track “Say It’s Just Us” begins gently before erupting into a vibrant indie pop anthem, with the catchy synths providing a perfect backdrop for the poignant vocal delivery. The lyrics and theme of the song are about putting pressure on relationships to fit into a certain box, when really we should “say it’s just US.”

“Notice You” takes a darker, more melancholic turn on the EP. The deep piano notes and distorted guitar, paired with sorrowful vocals, make this track a true heartbreaker. Lyrics like “Can you see me, cause I’m holding on” are deeply relatable, navigating a path of sadness rarely explored by the band.

“Heartbeat Is Missing” is where the band truly breaks free from their people-pleasing tendencies, delivering a ferocious and angular track. With vocals distorted to the core, electrifying guitars, and an unwavering rhythm that throbs persistently, the song elevates the tension to palpable heights of angst and frustration.

Talking about the single, front woman Nicole Smith says “It’s about pleasing people, changing yourself to fit in and losing who you really are. Becoming desensitised to people’s apparent lack of boundaries or empathy, weaving together negative attention into a protective armour that keeps away the darkness but also blocks out the light, realising that then lashing out.”

The closing track “I Wanna Be Yours” is the perfect finishing track. Another indie-pop anthem, it explores confusion within a relationship, with our favourite line from the EP “I love you, I suppose.” Of the track, they say “When your new partner looks like your ex you ask yourself, ‘have I got a ‘type’ or a problem’. Even though you spend half the song singing I Wanna Be Yours it’s not clear whose? And that’s kinda the point.” The final synth fades the track out, and acts as the sunset on this compelling collection of deeply personal and relatable songs.

EEVAH are Halifax-based Nicole Smith, and multi-instrumentalist producer and member of Embrace, Rick McNamara. Their lyrics speak to the insecurities that exist within us all.

“Simplify Life” is in stores now.

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