Mannequin Men

This week sees the return of Chicago’s Mannequin Men, with their self-titled new album. We gave the guys the Vinyl District grilling on the eve of the record’s release.

You are a rock & roll band with melodic sensibilities. This is part of a noble tradition, is that something you set out to be from the off?

That just comes from being fans of other music with melodic / pop sensibilities. It’s more subconscious than anything. We write music influenced by whatever our flavour of the moment is. For the last record it was a lot of 50s, 60s and 70s rock and roll. Right now we’re all really into Eek-A-Mouse so you can imagine what our next record will sound like. Ha.

Mannequin Men – Hobby Girl

Your latest album is your best collection of songs yet, is that due to any one thing?

Nope. We tried to make the BEST record the last 3 times we made a record. Guess we just got lucky this time around. Thanks! Maybe it has something to do with us all getting dogs. My Brittany, Huxley, is the best medicine around and certainly has a way of making the world feel less dull.

Who and what inspire you as artists?

The usual: Friends and family. The city and neighbourhoods we live in.

Where do you stand on the digital vs. vinyl vs. CD debate?

Really happy about the newer trend of vinyl only releases that include a digital download coupon, or whatever. You got everything covered that way. Want a cd? Well, then burn one!

Tell us a little about the current Chicago music scene.

We’ve been kickin’ around for almost 8 years now. Bands come and go, but the scene seems to remain the same. Chirp radio (Chicago indie radio project) is probably the coolest new thing that’s happened to the Chicago music scene in awhile.

What are the best and worst things about being in a band (your band!)?

Best: We’re all really good friends. Like brothers.

Worst: We’re all really good friends. Like brothers. Ha. Been trying to fire these dudes for years, but I just can’t do it!

Name 5 great works of art (music, poetry, painting, literature, architecture, whatever!)

Pee-Wee’s Playhouse

Neil Young – “Rust Never Sleeps”

Chicago Blackhawks

Cheryl Tiegs

The Loft Ethan, our guitarist, built in the back of our tour van. Nice work, Ethan!

Is this the best time in history to be in a band, or the worst?

Best. Don’t look back!

How has the internet helped you, if at all?

We don’t get to go on tour that much, so I’d say it’s helped us quite a bit. Without it we’d probably only be known to people in Chicago. Still feels kinda like that. On that same note, it’s pretty sweet to have access to all sorts of other bands we might not have heard of otherwise. Which in turn influences and inspires us.

Tell the world about your band in no more than twenty words.

Hello, World! We’re Mannequin Men. Four guys from Chicago that hate our jobs and wish we were CCR.

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