Being There is a young London four-piece, whose fresh sounding lo-fi tune ‘Tomorrow’, manages to somehow bring an air of lucidity to a mostly incoherent indie-pop world. Get it on your iPod before the dark nights return and gloom descends on us all…
Who are you? Hey I’m Sam…
What are you about? I play in a band called Being There. I play guitar and sing.
Tell us about this track? ‘Tomorrow’ is a pop song, which wonders about how to make your future as good as the cool things that happened in your past. We recorded it with Richard Formby in the spring.
When can we get to see you live? We’re at The Silver Bullet on 16th September, then supporting Noah and the Whale across the UK in October. It’s gonna be big, come say hi.
Vinyl or Digital? Vinyl is obviously nicer, but there’s no shame in mp3s.
Three things you can’t live without? Bee Thousand by Guided By Voices, Lil B, Freaks & Geeks