The TVD First Date

“The first record I ever bought was Sung Tongs by Animal Collective.”

“I remember going to Newbury Comics in Boston, MA and browsing through all the records. I was a sophomore in college and had just bought my first record player for my dorm room. There’s something so magical about holding a record; the weight, the big album art, the texture of the wax.

I left Newbury Comics with a big smile. I couldn’t wait to go home and listen to my new vinyl. I felt like I had just made a new friend. That vinyl along with all the future ones I was going to collect were going to be my buddies for life. I went to my room, turned on my record player and watched the needle hit the first groove.

Then, I lay down in my bed and closed my eyes to fully experience the blissful sounds and jungle screams. I was so happy! It was the beginning of many more record listening parties (some by myself and some with friends).

Records are such a unique way to experience music especially in an era of iPhones and streaming. Putting on vinyl forces you to engage in the listening process. You become aware of Side A and Side B, you take time to look at the cover, the back cover, the credits all those details that the artist thoughtfully decided and that you might miss when listening to music in other forms.

Listening to records will be forever an extraordinary experience.”
Samira Winter

Winter’s sophomore release, Ethereality arrives in stores on Friday, April 6, 2018—on vinyl. Pre-order it here.

Winter Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Bandcamp

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