TVD’s The Idelic Hour with Jon Sidel

Greetings from Laurel Canyon!

Well, of course Tuesday was Valentines Day, and of course I could not resist putting some kind of twist to a playlist of love songs.

For some reason when I started digging through crates I starting thinking about “trouble.” However, on this Valentine’s Day I find myself without much trouble in mind or drama to brag about. I’m a geek and was day dreaming about the kind of love that Marvin Gaye seems to sing of—a bum in love, trouble man, feelin’ tainted and dank.

Funny, in many ways I approached the muse of heartbreak with a smooth and carefree approach. The result is simple—just a solid “Idelic Hour” of music—one chapter in a series of playlists dedicated to the assorted colors of love.

Feels warm and cozy to listen to these love gems after Valentine’s dates and the chocolates having been consumed…

The Idelic Hit of the Week:
Cry Baby – I Cherish The Heartbreak More Than The Love Lost

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