TVD’s The Idelic Hour with Jon Sidel

Greetings from Laurel Canyon!

I’m not sure what came over me but this week when I had the idea of pulling together a playlist of songs based on the characters of the zodiac. My wife often teases me about watching all these flicks on cable TV with knights in amor and Greek gods battling in the outer limits. Indeed recently, it has felt like the stars (aka the godz) have been pulling us hard—and to where? Zeus only knows.

Now, I could go off on a tangent about the “godz” of rock n roll, but really this playlist is a mix of songs of where I feel like “sky is the limit.” Of course I could not resist throwing in as many songs about the zodiac signs as I could find. That search proved to be a lot tougher than most of my weekly musical “quests.”

It’s interesting that the only zodiac sign with any discography to speak of was Sagittarius. Being a “Sag,” I immediately reached for my copy of the Sagittarius LP from the moody “new age” series of Zodiac albums release by A&M records in 1970. Sadly, after rummaging deep into my garage, that create and LP did not turn up in time for this session. I did get my hands on a copy of an Elektra release called The Zodiac Cosmic Sounds from 1967, which is actually more up to speed with the Sagittarian affection for electric guitars and driving beats.

What was most striking about creating Idelic “Astrology” is how much I’m digging on this new crop of songs hitting the internet. In the mix, new from Washed Out, Panda Bear, Other Lives and Black Lips. These are sure to be four of the top ten albums of the year. Just check the stars!

The Idelic Hit of the Week: Washed Out | Eyes Be Closed

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