TVD’s The Idelic Hour with Jon Sidel

Greetings from Laurel Canyon!

I arrived back in the Canyon last Sunday night. It was a long flight from NYC—over six hours into storming headwinds over the good ol’ USA. I was amused by my Jet Blue flight which was packed with an outlaw biker gang returning to Whittier from a national “gang function.”

Honestly, I’ve dreamt about being in the Hells Angels from time to time. Dennis Hopper’s role in Easy Rider was always a character I looked up to. It was exhilarating being around them and even being mistaken for one of these outlaws. Their ol’ ladies were loud and fun, proudly joking, “They must think we’re riff raff.”

These broads reminded me of those classic early ’60s girl groups—cool make up, big hair, the sounds of Spector and Shadow Morton.

But as the week unfolded, I felt the urge to clear my head—I mean, my clear my sock draw. Mercury hit retrograde on the first. It’s time to get rid of old things to make way for…whatever remains.

Mercury in retrograde, on the verge of summer, it’s a hot time to hear some birds sing. I refer to them as “chicks” or back in my band days, “grapes.” I love women, be they biker or rocker. They can drive a man nuts, but one thing’s for sure, when a woman sings that special song, magic will fill the air.

This week I knew it was that time for a Friday the 13th and a playlist of cool chicks singing like birds. Chicks who rock! I think the seed of this playlist came last week in New York. I was in my hotel and I happened to catch Chrissie Hynde perform on Jimmy Fallon.

Chrissie is one broad who has my utmost admiration. She has always had great taste in music and not only have I had the good fortune to know her, I’ve actually jammed with her twice. She plays guitar like a fan and has the voice and style that channels the great singers of early ’60s.

Let ’em think we’re “riff raff.” Here’s an hour of cool rock chicks.

The Idelic Hit of the Week:
First Aid Kit – My Silver Lining

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