TVD’s The Idelic Hour with Jon Sidel

Greetings from Laurel Canyon!

“Shanah Tovah” is the appropriate best wishes for Rosh Hashanah, yesterday’s Jewish holiday. For us Jews, it’s literally the “head of the year,” the day we send our best vibes, thoughts and prayers, to our friends and family. So, I wish you the best for this five thousand seven hundred and seventy fourth year on the Jewish calendar.

Truth be told, although I am very Jewish by blood, I am a lot more of an “introspective,” rather than a practicing Jew. I refer to my family as “shmohawks,” a humorous play on Jews and Native American Indians coming together in the most hippie of ways.

All of this said and done, this week’s Idelic Hour is a “call & response” to last week’s cool hour of songs dedicated to “hard working girls,” or should I say women! Thanks ladies for all your support!

Yes, it’s sweltering hot in the Canyon, Fall is in the air, and “the boys are back!” We Schmohawks are on the move! Shit, I’m not actually sure where we’re going, but this week’s Idelic Hour features classic bands singing about boys—and new bands…well, just being “the boys” they are!

After all, “boys will always be boys…”

The Idelic Hit of the Week:
The Fast – Boys Will Be Boys

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