I triple dog dare you to say no to free 180 gram vinyl from one of progressive pop’s most eminent bands.
Didn’t think so. Today, prog-rock/pop group Muse let loose their 6th full length album The 2nd LAW and have given us the privilege to give it away to a lucky fan.
Since the monumental success of their progressive yet accessible work through albums Black Holes and Revelations and The Resistance, it’s hard to say what sound Muse would go for next, other than catchy. Singer Matthew Bellamy even joked on his Twitter that the new album sounded like “christian gangsta rap jazz odyssey, with some ambient rebellious dubstep and face melting metal flamenco cowboy psychedelia.” Though there’s definitely a healthy serving of tongue-in-cheek in his tweet, there’s some truth to a handful of those tags.
From the straightforward dubstep on “Follow Me” to the face-melting guitar work on Beatles-gone-minor-key-sounding “Survival,” the variation involved tends to make Bellamy’s joke seem more like a subtle troll on critics—you won’t be able to know what Muse’s 2nd Law sounds like until you put it on.
Luckily for a Muse fan out there, we just so happen to have a 180 gram vinyl LP to give away. So how can you get your paws on it? It’s simple! In the comments below, tell us your favorite guitar-gone-electronica band.
Since I still have a soft spot for Kid A, I’m gonna have to go for Radiohead.
A winner with a North American mailing address will be chosen on Tuesday, October 9th.