TVD Radar: The Podcast with Evan Toth, Episode 167: Anastasia Minster

Light and dark have been engaged in an eternal dance since the earliest of times. You’ve all seen the yin and yang which, if nothing else, illustrate that complicated symbiosis between good and evil: you can’t have the hero if you don’t have the villain. It’s just one of those conundrums of humanity. Writers, poets, filmmakers, artists of all ilk have explored this deeply, and will continue to do so as it’s a concept that’s hardwired into the human experience.

You can look at the balance of values through many different lenses. Anastasia Minster has decided to explore light and dark through the experience of love. Her latest album, Song of Songs peels back the layers of common experiences when it comes to that most confounding of human feelings: there’s no greater experience than being in love with someone who loves you back, but there’s possibly no worse feeling than unrequited love, or losing your kindred spirit.

Anastasia joins us on this episode to explain how she perceives love, but she also shares the details of this new album, recorded in Canada with the support of the Toronto Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts. Song of Songs is a fusion of classical and jazz elements that satisfyingly dovetail with Anastasia’s artistic, scholastic, and psychological intellect. You might want to sit in the front of the class so you can keep up. Here, there’s an empty chair right next to me.

Evan Toth is a songwriter, professional musician, educator, radio host, avid record collector, and hi-fi aficionado. Toth hosts and produces The Evan Toth Show and TVD Radar on WFDU, 89.1 FM. Follow him at the usual social media places and visit his website.

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