TVD Radar: The Podcast with Evan Toth, Episode 155: Corey duBrowa

There has been tremendous growth in the topic of vinyl records and record collecting over the last decade or so. There are podcasts (like this one), articles, and video channels dedicated to folks who blab about their treasured collections, and then there are those who shout from the rooftops about new releases the minute the news gets out. But what about holding a face-to-face conversation with another person about our beloved discs? When was the last time you looked someone directly in the eye and engaged in some good old analog repartee?

If you’re going to chit chat with an individual about this topic, then Corey duBrowa should be at the top of your list. After years of writing about music for publications like Rolling Stone and GQ, he no doubt commands a strong understanding of the subject matter. That’s not to mention the other exciting side of his career: a world of global corporate communications for many brands and companies that would be familiar to you. Like all good communicators, he has focused his interest on a brand new book that he’s written exploring the format of the EP. It’s titled, An Ideal for Living: A Celebration of the E.P. – Extended Play (Hozac Books) and it contains a history of the unique format coupled with reflections about noteworthy EP releases through the ages from his many friends and colleagues.

While our conversation via video featured me holding up many of the albums we’re discussing, you, dear listener, are relegated to using your imagination to fill in some of the blanks. I’m confident you’ll catch on. The discussion you’re about to hear is quick-witted, exciting, and chock full of absorbing details and anecdotes. This talk with Corey was a delight and I’m certain that you’ll have as much fun as I did by just listening.

Evan Toth is a songwriter, professional musician, educator, radio host, avid record collector, and hi-fi aficionado. Toth hosts and produces The Evan Toth Show and TVD Radar on WFDU, 89.1 FM. Follow him at the usual social media places and visit his website.

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