TVD Premiere: Les Gruff and the Billy Goat, “Two Steppin”

Rural punks Les Gruff and the Billy Goat give the barn-burning shuffle a modern facelift with the tongue-in-cheek narrative “Two Steppin.”

This might have not been the exact intention of this Mississippi river band, but their no-fuss approach, steeped in blues and bluegrass, is filtered through the lens of band spearhead Billy Croghan who can’t seem to help imbuing the well-worn formula with his rustic charm. It’s not just the hilariously unhinged narrative that brings the track up-to-date, but the way the band’s groove feels completely off-the-cuff and more importantly, off the rails at times.

David Roach (bass guitar), Sean Kamery (fiddle), Nigel Solomon (electric guitar), and Ed Daugs (drums) all respectively hold down the steam train of a track while Croghan not only trades wily solos with lead guitar counterpart, Tony Compton, but also swaps corner of the mouth banter that feels anything but premeditated. Their authentic brand of chemistry has made them one of the most compelling original live bands to catch in St. Louis and the band has quickly cultivated a dedicated following, spreading the twangy gospel of good times through heavy and constant tours across the South and Midwest.

Les Gruff and the Billy Goat are gearing up to release their official self-titled album, due in stores December 8th.

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