Sounding like a suburban version of Dylan’s “Visions of Johanna,” Eli Greenhoe’s “Katie’s Song” indirectly exposes the object of his affection by concentrating on the oddball details surrounding her. It’s a kind of free-associative rhapsody that allows the listener to glean a deeper insight than a standard love song might denote.
Although this is Greenhoe’s debut as a songwriter, the songs that comprise his forthcoming full-length, That Time When It Rained, have been in his mind and performed in some or fashion since his days studying music at LaGuardia High School.
Greenhoe would go on to focus his attention into the classical composition world, but never lost his affinity for music in the folk tradition, which he revisits with such panache here.
Eli Greenhoe’s new album, That Time When It Rained arrives in stores on May 10th.