TVD Premiere:
Edward Rogers,
“After The Show”

“I first heard the song in my late teens and was taken away by its casual, but yet meaningful lyrics.”

“It always sounded like something one would hear in an old English fair—a real troubadour classic for the end of a warm summer English evening. “After The Show” was always on my mind to record someday.

We approached it by recording two versions: a more uptempo arrangement and the arrangement you hear on Kaye. Comparing my version with Kevin Ayers’, I think we did the song justice.

The song was recorded live, in three takes, and I think it found a good home on a record which is, in fact, dedicated to the late, Kevin Ayers.”
Edward Rogers

“After The Show” is taken from Rogers’ 5th solo outing, Kaye on store shelves July 8th.

Edward Rogers Official | Facebook | Twitter

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