TVD Premiere:
Darling Black,

Lulu Lewis is Dylan Hundley’s calling card on the contemporary scene, but we’re happy to report she’s been additionally busy with a project that’s wholly her own thing, namely Darling Black, a moniker under which she’s recently performed in her home burg of NYC. Folks already hip to Lulu Lewis are likely to appreciate what Darling Black has in store, though “Dial,” the endeavor’s new single, lands smack dab in the electronic dance zone. Check it out below.

Along with Hundley’s voice, the main similarity between Lulu Lewis (the duo of Hundley and her husband Pablo Martin) and Darling Black is a love of the 1980s, though the inspiration is manifested differently in “Dial.” Unequivocally a dance banger, with repeated spins, the track’s stylistic roots travel a little farther back, suggesting an affinity for The Normal’s “Warm Leatherette.”

The connection to Daniel Miller’s underground hit is essentially a chilly, post-punkish vibe, as “Dial” lacks rigidity and instead embraces a flowing, reverberating pulse. And is that a touch of electro influence I hear?

“Dial” is tailor made for slicing up carpets. But please check the temp in your neighborhood prior to bustin’ loose. It’s hot all over the place right now and dancing-induced heat stroke is a danger that’s all too real.

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