TVD’s CAKE Week!

CAKE is joining us at TVD all this week which just so happens to be the release week for the band’s Limited Edition (5,000 only) six disc 7″ vinyl box set of Showroom of Compassion, CAKE’s January 2011 self-produced release. (Your chance to win one of two copies of the box set is right here.)

It’s Day #4 and the band’s Gabriel Nelson and Xan McCurdy have a few items for your collective radar:

Gabriel Nelson: Blue Gold – World Water Wars: This easy to watch movie did a nice job explaining the money and the politics behind our current water system, shedding light on the global activities of The World Bank, The World Trade Organization, The Quad, and a few more. It features interviews with Blue Gold authors Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke, and the author of Water Wars, Vandana Shiva.

Expert testimonials on the hydrological cycle, and how it has been altered by human interference, lead us to questions of what to expect in the not so distant future. Things are looking pretty dire indeed, but the movie does offer up some suggestions on what each person might do to ensure not going thirsty.

Xan McCurdy: The Bass Guitar—there’s a quote from John Lydon where he says something about the bass guitar being the least important part of a rock & roll band. I could not disagree more.

Maybe what he was trying to say, but was in a punk rock huff, was that the average listener may not be completely aware how much they do appreciate the bass guitar. I’m not talking about these chest pain causing bass frequency fanatics, but the subtle melody enhancing, rhythm keeping, ass caressing bass guitar sounds.

Put on ANY Marvin Gaye and turn up the low frequencies on your home and car stereos and your mp9 player (or whatever) just a tad and I promise it’s a little bit better. And kiss your local bass player.

He works a lot harder than you think.

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