That Metal District
with Jim Florentine
and Don Jamieson

(…and it’s a ticket giveaway!)

Anyone who knows me well knows that there’s one TV show I make sure I see each and every week in its time slot and nothing, nothing—will stand between me and it.

What can I say, I love Desperate Housewives.

No wait – that’s bullshit. The show I’m really talking about is VH1 Classic’s That Metal Show. For the uninitiated, it’s the metal version of ESPN’s Sports Center for rabid fans like myself who’ve read every liner note, memorized every riff, and have followed our favorite bands through every DUI and line-up change.

Joining host Eddie Trunk on That Metal Show are Jim Florentine and Don Jamieson—both huge metal fans who have also graced more comedy stages than you can shake a codpiece at.

Jim and Don have a three night stand at DC’s shiny new Riot Act Comedy Theater (9/29-10/1) and as such we thought we’d spend this week at TVD getting Don and Jim on the record—on metal records. We’ve got their Top Five Favorite Metal LPs in a countdown that’s not too different from a That Metal Show Top Five List. 

And we’re not leaving you guys out of the loop either. We want to hear your Top Five Metal LPs in the comments to all of Don and Jim’s posts this week and the one commenter who makes a solid case for his or her Top Five list will win a free pair of tickets to see Don and Jim on a night of their choosing this week. (Our winner will be chosen this Thursday, 9/29, at noon!)

Let’s kick it off! We’re counting backwards to Friday’s #1!

JIM FLORENTINE’S #5: Metallica – “Kill Em All” | Growing up in Old Bridge, NJ I used to hang out at Johnny Z’s record store called Rock N Roll Heaven. Every Friday I would take my paycheck down there and he would turn me on to all these cool new bands.

I already had the No Life Til Leather cassette so I had an idea what they sounded like. I had a an advance copy because it came out on Johnny Z’s label Megaforce. I turned the whole neighborhood onto this album before it was even out. It is arguably the most important metal albums ever released.

Ironically, I just came back from seeing the big 4 at Yankee Stadium with 50,000 people and it wasn’t for this record I would have been home watching Youporn as usual.

DON JAMIESON’S #5: Motorhead – “Bomber” | The first MH album I ever bought. Thought it was so cool to see Lemmy and the boys flying inside the Bomber with the Snaggletooth logo on the side spraying bullets. This album took me to a whole other level in my love for metal.

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