Stop Light Observations, The TVD First Date

“Like many others, I believe there is a richness of tone found within vinyl that can not be replicated by any other musical medium. I am apart of the CD generation, which was followed by the iPod. A revolutionary way for us to listen to any and every song we could think of. For better or worse my childhood was absent of any vinyl records.”

“Or so I thought. Somewhere in the corner closet of a garage cluttered with old boxes and file cabinets was a wooden crate filled with the melodies and grooves that defined my father’s childhood and much of my own by extension.

I had just graduated high school when my father decided one spring day to clean out his garage and part with anything that wasn’t essential to him any longer. The crate of records didn’t make the cut. When he presented me with this crate he said something likem “Son, do you want some of my old vinyl? There’s some great stuff in here man. The Commodores, Earth Wind and Fire, The Allman Brothers, Rumors by Fleetwood Mac. Classic stuff man.”

Like any son would do I listened to my dad’s advice and I took the crate home, found an old record player a friend wasn’t using, and began peeling through the musky and withering covers. I fell in love with the sound, much richer than that of any CD or MP3 I had grown up on. I could distinctly hear the echoes of timeless musicianship that is unmatched with today’s “in the box” recording trends.

To this day I continue to add to the collection my father started 40+ years ago. The old crate is still in my dining room, resting under an old spirit of St. Louis record player that provides the mood for my mornings and evenings at home. There is comfort in placing the needle and piece of mind in allowing the record to spin through song after song.”
Will Blackburn

“2young” is taken from Stop Light Observations’ forthcoming EP, which arrives in stores in early 2019.

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