The TVD First Date

“I always appreciated the experience of vinyl for as long as I can remember, but it wasn’t until I listened to vinyl through headphones that I really experienced that level of auditory euphoria. It was then that I knew it was a far superior listening experience.”

“I think it was an old copy of Smiley Smile by the Beach Boys. The hair on my arms sprung up and I felt a chill all over. Soon after that I learned that there were countless records released on vinyl that never made it to CD, so my collection quickly expanded.

I think at the time there were only 2 Andrew Hill records available on CD, and a record store near my apartment in Boston, MA that specialized in old jazz records carried 2 additional Andrew Hill records that blew my mind.

In addition to the listening experience, vinyl artwork is something to praised as well. This is because it feels like art more than a cassette, CD, and surely the internet (where catching the artwork of a record doesn’t stimulate the viewer at all.)

You can frame covers for great apartment decoration as well. In some apartments that I’ve lived, the album covers on our walls were shit records, but the covers were beautiful. There is no better experience than pulling out a record from the collection and playing both sides of a record.

And there may never be one.”

SKATERS’ debut album, MANHATTAN arrives on store shelves February 24th via Warner Bros. Records.

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