“My first records belonged to my parents and I took Donna Summer’s Love to Love You and Big Brother and the Holding Company’s Cheap Thrills—that R. Crumb cover is still probably my all time favourite. They made me leave Sweetheart of the Rodeo which I’m glad about, because a roommate ended up stealing them all eventually.”
“I had just moved into a big old house that I’m sure was haunted, and it was the first time I’d had a record player where I lived so I was pretty excited about it. I remember listening to a lot of Donna and Janis, The Who, Biz Markie. I also developed an almost obsessive affinity towards the soundtrack for Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, especially the song “In a World of My Own.”
One night I came home and Donna was blasting so loud I thought the windows would break. It was the extended version of “Love to Love You” which was about 16 minutes long and included a wordless section where Donna basically uses the microphone like a lover’s ear, gasping and cooing to great effect. The door had a note on it that I have no doubt was from the woman with the 3-year-old next door, informing us that this had been going on since 7PM (it was now 10—the record player was on repeat) and that we were basically the scum of the universe for not answering the door or turning the music down even though she pounded on the door, “until her knuckles bled.”
Well, no one was home and it never happened again, but all I can imagine is this furious woman trying desperately to cover her child’s ears to the tantric sound of Donna’s climax while she hammers on and screams at our empty house. Ghosts have a sense of humour too, I guess.”
—Colleen Rennison, vocals
“Our guitarist Eric Campbell and I lived in the same apartment for a few months while he was between places… That was interesting. The neighbours were flabbergasted.”
“Anyway, we each had turntables in our rooms, and I’d left part of my record collection in the room Eric was staying in. Anyway, he was really into some of my Dylan records and this Lou Reed/Velvets comp that I didn’t even know I had. It was cool though and every so often I’d wander by his room and he would be playing Goats Head Soup or the new Mark Lanegan LP.
It’s great to collect amazing recordings from 30-40 years ago, but it’s also a thrill to buy new music on vinyl. When you get an LP and a download code, it’s pretty much the best of both worlds…”
—Ian Browne, drums
No Sinner is on the road right now in support of Boo Hoo Hoo which lands on store shelves June 24th.
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