Needle Drop: Meiko, “Gimme Gimme”

A lot has happened since indie pop songstress Meiko burst onto the scene with her quirky 2008 pop gem “Boys With Girlfriends.”

After partnering with MySpace Records and Concord Music Group for the first decade of her career, the singer-songwriter has gone fully independent, self-funding her innovative new record In Your Dreams, so she could retain complete creative control. Recorded with producer Justin Glasco, the former drummer for The Lone Bellow, In Your Dreams is a glistening piece of alterna-pop that begs for repeat listens.

The lead-off single, “Gimme Gimme,” is a song that explores Meiko’s obsession with consumer culture. Daily online purchases, and dreams of orders and deliveries have become an intrinsic part of how we operate in our modern world, but it has never been so beautifully lampooned…until now. Set on a bed of jangly power chords and bright beats, Meiko romanticizes the pull of merchandise titans like Amazon who provide us with a myriad of distractions to satiate our ego’s desires.

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