Margot MacDonald:
The TVD Session

They say with advertising or marketing that one needs to reiterate a message over and over, either in print or online. We, the audience, are saturated with messages and slogans daily and a constant reassuring of one’s presence will in turn, saturate. In time.

And that’s how Margot MacDonald found me and won me over—performing and playing perhaps every venue in and around the DC area—from the tiniest to the Kennedy Center and every stop in between. In a nutshell, she embodies what Simon Cowell will be spending months searching for—the elusive “X Factor.”

Margot has a Kickstarter-esque funding project in the works via IndieGogo to finance her new record and we couldn’t be happier to put her on your radar too—if she isn’t already—all this week at TVD. (The aforementioned repetition and reinforcement thing.)

Margot’s picked 4 live performances that we’ll feature here all week and come Friday, it’s our pleasure to debut Margot MacDonald’s TVD Session—a live shoot done just for The Vinyl District.

“Vinyl is not from my time – unless you consider the small group of hipster-approved selections at Urban Outfitters. (I say this knowing full well that I’d kill to be one of them.)

I grew up in a time of format change: half of my childhood albums on cassette and the other on CD. Admittedly, we didn’t have any vinyl in the house, as my dad gave away his collection after college. It wasn’t until I recorded an album onto tape that the old school model of music making & listening started to intrigue me.

The first vinyl record I picked up was Van Morrison’s Astral Weeks, as a Christmas present for my dad. Deciding to sneak in a listen before wrapping it up, I took it to a friend’s place and, for probably the first time that week, forgot about my to-do list for over an hour.

It took more patience than slipping a CD into my laptop and skipping to my favorite tracks. It took the ability to lose myself in the music. In a world of fast food music singles, this was a dining experience (and I take my food analogies very seriously). Simply put, it was beautiful. Of course the metaphor goes awry when the record is… meh.

The good news is, I’m working my butt off to make a great album – an album I’ll be proud to put out on vinyl. So… won’t you dine with me?”
Margot MacDonald

Visit Margot’s IndieGogo page to pre-order and assist in financing her new recording.

Margot MacDonald joins Victoria Vox live this Friday (10/21) at Potter’s House.


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