The TVD First Date

“It’s not so much about what vinyl is, but rather what it stands for that I love. It represents timelessness.”

“I don’t recall the very first time I heard a record because from the time I was born, music was always playing throughout my home. Growing up, we had a family ritual every Friday that consisted of homemade pizza and playing records all night long. My mom would make the dough from scratch, letting the yeast rise during the day.

When night fell and the pizza had hit the oven, my sister and I would jump around on the fireplace, dancing, laughing, and singing as my dad spun his favorite songs. Even my brother couldn’t resist joining in when Tower Of Power’s “Only So Much Oil in the Ground” came on. Sometimes just the smell of pizza reminds me of those nights.

Music is a powerful source that has always brought my family together. From Kenny Loggins to Seal to Jimi Hendrix, my parent’s record collection was stacked to the brim. As I hit my teens, I wanted to not only build my own collection but also start making my own music.

Pursuing music became this deranged dream of mine as I got older and the more I got into it. That’s probably why it was so surreal releasing my debut track, “I Don’t Give A” a month ago. I had years of work and experience that lead up to its release. And when I was approached with an opportunity shortly after to press it to vinyl, I was elated. Records are special to me and to have one of my songs actually pressed feels unreal.

Two weeks ago, my producer Mickey Valen and I released my second track “Think Of Anything” and we have been overwhelmed by the response and support so far. When you choose to listen to someone’s music you are in a way choosing to spend time with the artist, to listen and relate to his or her story. It feels incredible that people are connecting to my music and to me.

I am planning on getting my full-length album pressed to vinyl when it’s out so that people will get the same experience I grew up with rather than just throwing it on iTunes or Spotify. Obviously, the digital age of music is here to stay but there will always be something about records that lures me in over everything else.

Maybe it’s the crackle, the completely authentic quality of sound, or just the overall experience, but either way vinyl will always be an extraordinary way to listen music.” —Jojee

Jojee’s third single is released August 26.

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