Black Match,
The TVD First Date

“Listening to a record on vinyl has a different warmth and character.”

“There’s a reason it has stuck around through the ages and continued to be a prominent love for music fans. It’s physical, you have cover art that you can touch, hold in your hand, and adore on your wall.

The vinyl itself holds the physical scrapes of a something greater, you can see the indentations of your favorite song. But most of all, the sounds feel as if they’re sent through a filter of nostalgia and homeliness. It’s something that we think will, or at least should, last forever.

We grew up going to an amazing record store in our town called Boo Boo Records. Its record collection is as iconic as its logo and has been named one of the top record stores in America by Rolling Stone magazine.

We just had the chance to play a show there on national record store day, surrounded by our family and friends and thousands of records from amazing artists that have paved the way before us. It was a lifelong dream of ours to play at Boo Boo’s and we’d love to have our music in there on vinyl later this year.”
Hannah and Ian

Black Match’s current single “Nowhere” is in stores now.

Black Match Official | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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