Alec Benjamin:
The TVD First Date

“My parents never really played music in the house. I didn’t grow up on the Beatles, or Zeppelin, or any of that cool shit. My family isn’t that cool. My parents didn’t walk around in the evenings with a glass of red wine while their favorite records played in the background. My house didn’t look like that. My parents were stoked if they could get my sister and me to sit still for five minutes while we watched the Flinstones on Cartoon Network.”

“I didn’t even know what a record player was till the 5th grade, and I couldn’t fit a record player in my backpack or take it on the bus to school, so records never even really made sense to me.

I do remember my grandma having a record player in her apartment though. I think she use to play the jitterbug on it. I hated that. I was into the Backstreet Boys around that time, I think. I had that shit on cassette.

I moved onto CDs when I turned 7 and that’s when I really got into music. First album I ever bought myself was the Slim Shady LP.

I mainly listened to CDs from third grade until college. I was born in Phoenix, Arizona. Pretty much lived there my whole life. There’s really not much vinyl to be found in AZ. At least not that I can remember.

Then I moved to LA.

That’s around the first time I went to Amoeba Records. Amoeba is dope. To me, places like Amoeba are keeping music alive. It’s one of the last places on Earth where people go into a real store, to actually buy music, and listen to full albums on vinyl. To me, that’s awesome.

I think I get it now. I’m starting to listen to some of my favorite records over again on vinyl. Picking up on some of the small nuances in production and other things that I had missed the first time around. It’s a totally new experience.

Vinyl is kinda painting a new picture for me.

Was never really a vinyl kid. But vinyl is dope.”
Alec Benjamin

Alec Benjamin Official | Facebook | Twitter

Alec Benjamin Live Dates:
10/15 – The Standard Hotel – New York City
11/2 – Hotel Cafe – Los Angeles
11/19 – Hotel Cafe – Los Angeles
11/26 – Hotel Cafe – Los Angeles

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