Search Results for: first date

The Messenger Birds,
The TVD First Date

“There has always been something special about hearing a record on vinyl. When I was really young, my dad would blast Tower of Power and all sorts of other jazz, blues, and funk records on his turntable, but I didn’t have a true understanding or appreciation for vinyl as a medium until much later.” “CD […]

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Adam Wright,
The TVD First Date

“I grew up in the ’80s, so I was very much a cassette kid for a lot of years, but my earliest memories of hearing music were of digging LPs out of my Dad’s closet and playing them on our record player. It was how I first discovered music. My first record store, I guess.” […]

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Simon Lunche,
The TVD First Date

“There’s a Harry Potter closet under the stairs in the house I grew up in. When I was little the whole thing was crammed full of stuff to the point you could barely move in there. Jackets, baseball gloves, and stereo equipment filled most of it.” “However buried far in the back there were two […]

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Analog Players Society,
The TVD First Date

“I didn’t know it was vinyl when it was ‘vinyl.’ It was just how the dance party would get started with my sister in the basement on a little portable 45 record player. Or, in the living room on my parents’ old system. It was easier to use than the 8-track. “ “The first records […]

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Ryan and Pony,
The TVD First Date

“My first introduction to the world of music was searching through my dad’s modest record collection.” “I was a four-year-old who thought I wanted to be an astronaut or scientist at the time. My father was a casual music fan who came from a highly-gifted musical family. His stash of vinyl largely consisted of classics […]

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Burning Pools,
The TVD First Date

“When I was 12 years old and listening to the last bands on the long tail of hair metal on cassette, my brother and I had a nanny whose boyfriend played in a hardcore band. I did not know what that was, but he correctly saw a potential convert in me and brought over a […]

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Tali, The TVD First Date
and Video Premiere,
“Back To You”

“I’m a sucker for the era my parents talk about from their youth in the ’60s–’80s.” “I adore technology and all the accessibility that comes with it, though I imagine how incredibly riveting and exciting it must have been to live in the Woodstock era, in the disco era, the synthpop era, the ’90s hip […]

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Wood & Wire,
The TVD First Date

“If you were born in the ’80s like I was, there are a lot of reasons to consider yourself lucky.” “We’ve had a unique seat over the course of one of the biggest cultural shifts in history, and have had formative years on both sides of it. Obviously, the way we consume music was a […]

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The Love-In,
The TVD First Date

“Vinyl is the best part of Love-In parties.” “The only good speakers in our house are hooked up to the record player, so we exclusively listen to vinyl when we throw house parties. At the end of the night, you can always see how the mood changed based on what records are left out on […]

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Belly, The Best of
the TVD First Date

Quite a number of years back, the TVD First Date feature was inaugurated to introduce new talent to the site and to follow an artist’s development while getting to know their own music via their record collections. ’twas a nifty idea earlier on, however over the course of a decade some more than well-established artists […]

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Jason Falkner, The Best of the TVD First Date

Quite a number of years back, the TVD First Date feature was inaugurated to introduce new talent to the site and to follow an artist’s development while getting to know their own music via their record collections. ’twas a nifty idea earlier on, however over the course of a decade some more than well-established artists […]

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Steve Forbert, The Best of the TVD First Date

Quite a number of years back, the TVD First Date feature was inaugurated to introduce new talent to the site and to follow an artist’s development while getting to know their own music via their record collections. ’twas a nifty idea earlier on, however over the course of a decade some more than well-established artists […]

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Michelle Branch, The Best of TVD First Date

Quite a number of years back, the TVD First Date feature was inaugurated to introduce new talent to the site and to follow an artist’s development while getting to know their own music via their record collections. ’twas a nifty idea earlier on, however over the course of a decade some more than well-established artists […]

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Viv Albertine: The Best of the TVD First Date

Quite a number of years back, the TVD First Date feature was inaugurated to introduce new talent to the site and to follow an artist’s development while getting to know their own music via their record collections. ’twas a nifty idea earlier on, however over the course of a decade some more than well-established artists […]

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Michael Flynn,
The TVD First Date
and Video Premiere, “Easy To Love”

“Full disclosure: whatever that trait is that compels people to say that vinyl records are sonically superior to all other forms of music listening, I don’t have it.” “I don’t doubt that it’s true, I just don’t have an ear for such things. I can tell the difference between a high-bitrate MP3 and a crap […]

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