Weekend Shots!

As September fades into October, the music scene continues to heat up in New Orleans even if the weather hasn’t really cooled down. Here’s a look at what’s happening around town this weekend.

Free Show of the Week­: We start things off the right way, by hipping TVD readers to a gig that you most likely won’t read about anywhere else. This afternoon, the Stooges Brass Band makes an appearance on the main quad of Tulane University. The band has been tearing it and this show, which begins at 4 PM, will be no exception.

Another free show: Buffa’s on Esplanade Avenue on the edge of the French Quarter has new ownership and has been quietly booking some interesting talent. Tonight at 8 PM, Raphael Bas, Jack Fine and Norbert Slama perform in the bar’s music room. This group could go anywhere musically as Bas performs amazing acoustic guitar, Fine is an octogenarian trumpeter with chops musicians half his age would die for and Slama is another veteran who plays a mean accordion.

Uptown, saxophonist Khris Royal celebrates the release of his debut CD at the Maple Leaf Bar. Over at Tipitina’s, Big Sam’s Funky Nation is joined by the Stooges Brass Band.

Saturday night’s schedule is also packed with great talent. The Stooges will play their third gig in 24 hours with a show at the Blue Nile. Elsewhere on Frenchmen Street, Astral Project, the city’s premier modern jazz ensemble holds court at Snug Harbor with sets at 8 and 10 PM.

The first Saturday in October is always Art for Art’s Sake and the city’s artists will be having grand celebrations at galleries all over town. Julia Street and the Contemporary Arts Center are ground zero for the festivities and they will feature Ellis Marsalis and DJ Soul Sister at the official after party.

Uptown, the eccentric guitar genius Col. Bruce Hampton musically ruminates at the Maple Leaf Bar with his newest band the Pharaoh Gummit. Over at Le Bon Temp Roule, the latest in a series of quirky jazz bands, Moonshine and Caroline, makes their uptown debut. The group features young and up and coming talents from the UNO and Loyola Jazz Studies programs.

Finally, George Porter Jr. and the Runnin’ Pardners have their CD release party at Tipitina’s. Khris Royal, who happens to play sax in the funk master’s band, opens with his band Dark Matter.

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