The Noveau funk band has moved its All Hallows’ Eve festivities to the newest hip spot in town, the Civic Theater. The Dirty Dozen Brass Band opens the show at 10:30 PM.
Galactic’s traditional Halloween throwdown is always a no-holds-barred affair. The band is encouraging fans to dress in costume for the show. New Orleanians don’t need any incentive in that regard, but they are promising a “sweet” prize to the winner.
Ever since Theryl “Houseman” DeClouet left the group, they have mixed up the vocalist spot with an ever-revolving cast of talent. A newcomer to this listener, Maggie Koerner, is scheduled to join the band.
Koerner sang on “Hey Na Na” from the Carnival Electricos album. But I haven’t heard her sing with the band in the live setting yet. A brief perusal of Galactic’s set lists has her singing the Rolling Stones’ “Gimme Shelter” and other gems. It will be an epic night.