TVD First Listen: Earphunk

Nine original songs are contained within local psychedelic soul/funk band Earphunk’s debut album, Comin’ Up. The group features two guitars, bass, drums and keys.

The album immediately brings to mind Coolin’ Off, which was Galactic’s first album because the music is mostly instrumentals with a few songs that feature the vocals of guitarist Mark Hempe. Among the songs with lyrics, “Don’t Pass Go” stands out since the whole song uses the board game Monopoly as its central motif.

The rhythm section of bassist Michael Comeaux and drummer Michael Matthews provide a solid groove foundation for the swelling organ sounds of Christian Galle and the inspired fretwork of lead guitarist Paul Provosty. One cut, “Earuption” features the stellar blowing of special guest Khris Royal on saxophone.

This is a band that has clearly honed its talents on stage and though I have only seem them perform live once, which was on a triple bill with DJ Quickie Mart and Khris Royal’s band Dark Matter, their tightness is reflected in the quality production behind the recording.

The songs may stretch out on stage, but they are all relatively concise on the album. The noodling that can diminish the quality of some groups that fall within the jam band category, and Earphunk certainly jams, is nowhere evident on Comin’ Up. The songs are well-constructed creations that hold your attention because of the details that emerge on repeated listens. Earphunk is earphone music for sure.

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