Keller Williams at the House of Blues

He’s been called the closest thing to the one-man band of days of old. The singer/songwriter was one of the first artists in recent history to use loops to enhance his sound. His music dips into a variety of genres including bluegrass, folk, funk and electronica.

By creating multiple parts during each song Williams has become a darling of the jam band scene. This is a pretty amazing accomplishment since most of the artists that fall into that genre are not solo performers.

For music lovers who are not familiar with Williams’ technique, it is similar to how Theresa Andersson performs her solo act. By using an echoplex, Williams can play a riff or lead guitar line and then record it and play over it as it plays back. This creates a huge sound that is very compelling.

Here’s a video of him doing his now classic song, “Freaker By the Speaker.”

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