Pick Three
From Tiger High

Tiger High is Pick Three’s first all-band effort. As a group, the Memphis-based Tiger High (Jake Vest, Toby Vest, Greg Faison, and Greg Roberson), tell us three things that they all agree upon.

The bands new Digi-Single,“Riding The Wave” b/w “Hot Black Honda”, as well as their debut album “Myth Is This” are available for download from Trashy Creatures Records secure store . “Myth is This” is also available as part of a 250 count limited edition cassette release. Hear Tiger High previews on Trashy Creatures Radio on the Trashy Creatures Records home page and on Tiger High’s Bandcamp Site .

Toby Vest and the members of Tiger High stay pretty busy recording and producing records for local and national acts at Tiger High’s home base studio High/Low Recording.

1. Ty SegallGoodbye Bread

This is one of the few albums we put on before rehearsal or a recording session. The whole thing is perfect, but it’s no surprise, because it came from San Francisco. Most of our favorite, current bands are from there: Thee Oh Sees, Sonny & The Sunsets, The Fresh & Onlys, Mikal Cronin, etc… Another great thing about “Goodbye Bread”: the first side is the exact amount of time it takes Toby to get motivated to do any actual work.

 2. Ancient Aliens
Who were they? Why did they come? What did they leave behind? Where did they go? Will they return? This show asks a lot of questions and answers none but it’s a hell of a lot of fun and will blow your mind. This is what we watch AFTER a rehearsal or recording session. For HOURS.

3. Psychotic Reactions & Carburetor Dung by Lester Bangs
Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung is a collection of writings from legendary rock critic Lester Bangs. Some of the highlights include a fake history of the band The Count Five which insightfully and hilariously chronicles the band’s “career arch.” There’s also pieces on Kraftwerk, The Clash, Elvis’s death and a review of Peter Guralnick’s Lost Highway. As well as an excerpt from something called The Scorn Papers, written in 1981. All equally funny and acerbic, classic Bangs.

This book is a testament to Bangs’ ability to be both the innocent, wide eyed rock fan while simultaneously playing the jaded asshole. All the while though he manages to be self deprecating and excruciatingly honest about the rock god heroes he’s writing about. Check out his “interviews” with and musing on the career of Lou Reed and you’ll see what I mean.

See Also:
Locals Only: Jeff Hulett Listens to Tiger High
The Sound of Memphis: Check out the new video from Tiger High “Carry My Love”
Shangri-la Turns You: Great Deals from Sub Pop, New Music from Tiger High and a Queens of the Stone Age Reissue
My First Record: Jake Vest of Jump Back Jake, Bulletproof Vests, Tiger High, Dream Team

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