TVD’s The Idelic Hour with Jon Sidel

Greetings from Laurel Canyon!

Well I dove into that river / To see what I could find / And the water it rolled on top of me / And the stars refused to shine

Yeah I swam until I could not swim / Then I swam a little more / And the current held me like a lover’s arms / And then it left me on the shore

Well I stood and looked to from where I came / To the place where I was born / But it seemed to me only half as real / Like a dark and a distant storm

I come from a family that likes to talk about the weather. I believe that I’ve mentioned this before, and yes here I am again talking about it again.

I talked to my folks this morning. They actually asked, “How’s the weather?” and reported Miami is a pleasant 70 degrees. Here in the canyon it’s a clear, beautiful winter morning around 50. It’s the kind of a day that only happens after a hard rain.

Yesterday we got rocked with thunder the likes I’ve never felt on the west coast. Tomorrow we expect a full 3 to 4 days of rain. If that happens our street will become a river.

This brings me to “LA riverbeds.” It’s a dreamy metaphor and muse—most often dry, these barren strips will be “flowin” this week. Here’s a taste of some of my favorite “river songs” with a few from interesting new wax. Enjoy.

Idelic Single of the Week: Balthazar – Wrong Vibration

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