TVD’s The Idelic Hour with Jon Sidel

Greetings from Laurel Canyon!

Cubscouts are screaming, / Needing icescreaming and all the pleasures of June / I’m in a parked car. / Flowers seem friendly and people in hall ways feel walls. / Now it is night time maybe we’e cruising avoiding the anti-cruise. / Oh I don’t really know where we are. / If things get real promise to take me somewhere else, / By the time fear takes me over will we still be rolling and feeling oblivion.

(I’ve always loved a great British lyric to take me to a far away imaginary place.)

On another note, last week Jon from The Vinyl District reminded me that due to the holiday schedule I only had four Idelic Hours to go before year’s end. My reply was something to the effect of… “I know.”

For some years now, bloggers have been creating their “Year End” lists earlier and earlier in the year. The standard rule of thumb these days might be the week after Thanksgiving. In this day and age someone always knows better than me.

What I do know, or should I say what I feel, is that 2017 is one of the strangest and most negative years I’ve experienced. I’ll save more thoughts for the next couple of installments of the IH where I can take joy in rattling off my favorite songs of 2017. As for this week, I want to restate the simple theme that’s been running through most of my playlists for 2017…

POSITIVE VIBES! I’m gonna put them out there. With a “nice and easy” swing, “sweet feelings,” and prayer we can all make it out of this fucked up year.

Songs that will keep your soul calm and help ya’ move on Idelic Sounds, baby!

The Idelic Hit of the Week: Kevin Morby – Baltimore (County Line)

I could use one of these. Bring on the #goodvibes #idelicsounds @vinyldistrict

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