The Best of The Idelic Hour with Jon Sidel

Greetings from Laurel Canyon!

Hot stuff, can’t get enough / Hot stuff, play it rough, yeah / I gave you love / Because music is want I want / To keep my body always moving / Yeah, shake it up, hot stuff / Every day, I get another dose / I can’t stand it when the music stops / Hot stuff / Everybody out on the dance floor / You know what I’m talking about / Music make you forget all your trouble / Make you sing and make you tell the whole wide world / So what? Hot stuff

Hot, hot, hot. This planet, town, and our canyon is getting too hot. It’s a bit scary and a drag. So why not find some other “hot stuff” to get excited about? Like a hot record or two or three?

And mom got a hot new red car…ok let this music do the talking and jump in a lake.

Idelic Single of the Week: Night Beats – Hot Ghee

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