The Best of The Idelic Hour with Jon Sidel

The Idelic Hour returns with a new edition next Friday. —Ed.

Greetings from Laurel Canyon!

It’s back to business here in Hollywood and now that the last, long weekend of Summer is toast, I feel it’s time for some “vision.” I spent a good amount of my extra long weekend making lists and thinking about things that need to go down for the rest of the year.

Personally, I’m gonna focus on a plan for the rest of 2014. For this I created a playlist to shed some light on this upcoming Fall season.

Creating the playlist for this week, something dawned on me when Todd Rundgren’s “I Saw the Light” randomly came on the radio. Todd was an interesting artist in the early ’70s, and in hindsight, he was an extremely cool and thoughtful pop act—a New Yorker who recorded most of his pop hits, “Hello It’s Me” and “Light” included, just a half mile down the way here in the Canyon.

It clicked—this week’s Idelic Hour playlist will be songs with light and vision. So, it’s time to “check yer lights”—focus and pay attention to the road ahead.

Hope this hour of songs help you rock on.

The Idelic Hit of the Week:
Sean Rowe – Shine My Diamond Ring


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