TVD Vinyl Giveaway: Flogging Molly’s new Speed of Darkness

TVD is feeling generous, very generous, and is giving away Speed of Darkness, the latest record from Flogging Molly, just released a couple of weeks ago. So what are you waiting for? Take advantage and win the latest masterpiece from the unstoppable Irish punk group. You know you want to.

Since they were founded in 1997, Flogging Molly has captivated fans by instilling strength into the broken with their inspirational hard-time anthems. You can tap into this inner strength simply by plugging in a pair of headphones and letting their music pulse through you. Speed of Darkness continues the phenomenon of musical motivation, an invisible force to help you overcome life’s headaches. It’s music for the underdog. It’s music to remind you how to bark.

But most importantly, we are dealing with some seriously talented musicians.

Flogging MollyDon’t Shut ‘Em Down

“I remember my uncle had a cool basement. His father had a bar and was closing it down, so he used things you would find in a bar to set the basement up. Pool table, pinball machine, lights, bar, and a Jukebox.

I would go over and visit and love to go downstairs and hang out. One time he stocked the jukebox with all early Elvis 45’s, and I was hooked. It was free, so I would play the songs over and over again. He left those 45’s in for the longest time.

One day he changed one to a Led Zeppelin song—”Whole Lotta Love”—and I was immediately transfixed. I forgot about the Elvis 45’s and played Led Zeppelin over and over again until I was told to stop. I knew I wanted to play guitar listening to Elvis, but after hearing Led Zeppelin, I was on a mission to get a guitar.
—Casey Dennis

To win your very own copy of Speed of Darkness, tell us who has inspired you to be who you are today, or at least who you would like to be.

Since this is a bit of a cliche question, please no cliche answers… I don’t want you naming people you would list in a job interview, so scratch anyone who has won a peace prize or an ex-president, unless of course, it’s the truth. We want your honest to god, real heroes, no matter how it may reflect on your person.

My inspiration, for instance, is Hunter S. Thompson, and after having my wisdom teeth removed and popping pain killers like Pez, I think I am well on my way.

The winner will be chosen next Friday (7/1) and must have a mailing address in the continental US or Canada.

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