TVD Recommends: Foster the People at Merriweather Post Pavillion… in June!

If you’re anything like me, then your obsessions tend to get the best of you. Making sure that all the items you buy start with a consonant, locking your car door exactly 9 times before walking away, or planning your concert schedule 7 months in advance can get pretty hectic to keep up with. 

Although I’m not quite the expert to give advice on the first two issues, I’ve got your back on the latter, so let’s talk about that distant musical itinerary. Exactly 178 days from now, rising pop goliaths Foster the People will be playing at the legendary Merriweather Post Pavilion on June 10th. So you’re looking to fill up your summer? Maybe you missed both of their recent SOLD OUT shows at 9:30 Club and want a chance to redeem yourself? Well, take note of the target—with aim from this distance, there’s no excuse to miss!

The show will be catered to by inevitably good weather and the support of the always entertaining indie pop 4tet The Kooks. The event will doubtlessly sell out to the most attractive crowd in recorded history, so why not make your bid to be a part of the fun? Tickets go on sale today so be sure to get on your internet horse and ride on to guaranteed bliss fostered by Foster the People.

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