TVD Live:
Matt Nathanson at
the 9:30 Club, 9/27

Matt Nathanson, armed with a full band and arsenal of vulgarity, returned to the 9:30 Club for two sold-out nights on his All Night Noise tour.

The San Francisco singer-songwriter took to the stage before 10 PM, kicking off nearly a two-hour performance with “Mercy,” of off his 2011 release, Modern Love. Ditching his guitar for the album’s title track, Nathanson busted out the moves of Patrick Monahan of Train, with whom he toured this summer. The night included many an F-bomb, the discussion of Jon Bon Jovi’s penis and how it resembles R2D2 (don’t ask…), an impromptu cover of “La Bamba,” shout-outs to divorcees, Whitesnake and Prince covers, oh and his popular hits, “Faster” and “Come On Get Higher.”

Check out the images of “Mark Nickerson” (apparently a common name shouted by drunk meet-and-greet attendees on the Maroon5/Train tour):

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