…in which we introduce a new voice to TVD, Jenn Bress, and her DJ night Lipstick, which—not surprisingly—we recommend! —Ed.
Lipstick a monthly dance party every last Friday at The Velvet Lounge with DJ Jennder (Funbags) and William Alburque (Razzmatazz) is a dance party so fierce, you’ll lose your shit and it’s this Friday. (Ed. note: TODAY.)
Lipstick is where Tone Loc and Tones on Tail hold hands in the dark, while the Talking Heads go Head On with Jesus and Mary Chain and Lada Gaga goes Radio Gaga over the usual Party and Bullshit.
You’ll hear new gems like Hypercrush, currently blowing up on the West Coast and you’ll leave repeating “Kick us Out” over and over in your head because that jam is infectious.
And maybe you’ve heard of a little Canadian band called Crystal Castles, who’s video game beats give you a hypercrush on life? If you haven’t heard “Not in Love” yet, which made Pitchfork’s list of top 100 dance tracks of 2010 ( #15), you should take a listen, here.
Lipstick is free, drinks are cheap and if you like free shit, there wil be Hypercrush and Crystal Castles stuff there for you to snag.
February 25 | Velvet Lounge | 21+ | Free