It was when all four members of Phish kicked things off with an a capella version of The Beatles’ “Strawberry Fields Forever” that I knew we were in for a special night in Cuyahoga Falls.
It was the first time they’ve busted out “Strawberry Fields” since July 22, 2017—168 shows ago. Historically Phish has played some seriously beloved shows at Blossom Music Center, and this was definitely one of them.
Phish went all the way back to the beginning, pulling most from 1989’s Junta and 1990’s Lawn Boy during their set. They even encored with “Bathtub Gin,” only the fourth time they’ve ever played it live. It’s worth noting that they also sound incredible. Perhaps they’re getting better with age?
Strawberry Fields Forever, Crowd Control, Punch You in the Eye > 46 Days > You Enjoy Myself, Tube > Shade, Reba, Cavern
Free > Esther > Blaze On > Scents and Subtle Sounds > Also Sprach Zarathustra > Split Open and Melt
Bathtub Gin