Support Local Musicians & Artists by Supporting Midwest Action!

Midwest Action is a clothing line that was established to inspire and mobilize the region’s musicians and artists, while supporting a lifestyle of expression, creativity, and the energy of the Midwest.

Midwest Action aims to bring together artists and musicians through events paid for by the sale of hand-screened t-shirts. From the sales, tours and shows will be organized to give local musicians an opportunity to perform for new audiences. Based in the Chicago suburbs, they hope to physically reach each and every Midwestern state with events, tours, and shows

So far, the only thing holding Midwest Action back is funding – and that’s where you come in.

Utilizing the world’s leading international funding platform, Indie Go Go, Midwest Action is raising money in order to get this project up and running. The money donated will go towards the purchase of shirts and silk screening materials for the first batch of t-shirts, as well as logo stickers, buttons, and small printed brand booklets.

The perks for donating range from handwritten letters to free shirts and stickers. (They also offer digital high fives)


You can help in other ways as well, by spreading the word about Midwest Action through Twitter, Google+, and Facebook. Musicians, bands, and artists can send their contact information to

Midwest Action Official | Facebook | Twitter

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