Author Archives: Downtown Gladys

TVD Live: Tim Kasher
at The Hi-Tone, 9/3

When the headlining act starts the night by saying, “Let’s start the night with something self-deprecating,” it’s a toss up as to how the night, and song, will go. Songwriters are known to be a little (okay, a lot) self-deprecating; hell, most writers are. Tim Kasher, of Cursive, delivered with his opening song; it was the first promise of the night, and he honored his word.

This song, like the others performed throughout his set, held lines I would be highly doubtful of if the singer fails to be, or at least gives off the illusion of being, absolutely genuine. Tim Kasher is a genuine performer, if nothing else (and he is something else).

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TVD Live: The Oblivians at Goner Records, 8/2

Photo: Geoffrey Brent Shrewsbury

The Oblivians are one of the few “cult” bands of the 90s to actually surpass their peers and continue to be productive and extraordinarily creative, into the next decade and beyond.

Even after their official split in ’98 Jack Yarber, Greg Cartwright, and Eric Friedl have continued to impact and make music. It’s that true Memphis maverick spirit shining through, some bands have it and some do not. It is a truth that is lost on some Memphis music fans who believe every Memphis band they love is one of the great ones.

I’m going to admit something that will make every single Oblivians fan cringe and I’m not ashamed. I’m just that kind of music fan, no shame in my game. I’ve only ever heard a few songs and I’d never seen them live despite the fact that I am a proud native Memphian. I’ve seen Jack with the Tearjerkers a couple times and that’s where my knowledge began and ended before tonight. Now? I know, I know what the fuss is about. I know what I’ve been missing and hearing about for the last 9 years that I’ve been going to shows in Memphis, the Oblivians are the real deal, a real rock’n roll band.

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