Author Archives: Michelle Clancy

TVD Live:
The Gaslight Anthem at the Independent, 7/5

What do you get when New Jersey natives, The Gaslight Anthem, set out on a tour of smaller clubs and venues to support their upcoming fourth album because they want “to trim it back and remind [them]selves what it’s like to play in a smaller place and have a blast?” Well, for starters you get a sold out tour.

There’s something about The Gaslight Anthem that makes me think of another time. Maybe it’s the lyrics that transport me back to when men worked on cars with packs of cigarettes tucked into the sleeve of their white t-shirts and girls snuck Elvis records into their bedrooms away from the watchful eyes of their parents.

I can’t quite pinpoint what it is, exactly, that makes me feel this way, particularly when I’m standing in the middle of a sold out Independent in San Francisco rocking and rolling to a set drenched heavily in punk rock with a side of Jersey Shore.

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TVD Live: The Drowning Men and River City Extension, Bottom of the Hill, 6/16

What do you get when you send San Diego natives who have cited Nick Cave as one of their biggest influences out on a co-headlining tour with a group known back home in New Jersey for their folk rock style that includes finger picking banjos and fiddles? A little bit of something for everyone and a show that’s not likely to be forgotten any time soon.

When it came time for River City Extension to take the stage, those of us unfamiliar with the band watched in amazement as the performers filed in. One, two, three, four, five…six…seven…eight… Eight? Eight band members? I have to admit, my initial reaction to seeing that many people cram themselves on stage was an eyeroll and a sigh. Sure, the Wu Tang Clan can pull off eight people on stage, or maybe a band who has recently added a full horn section, but we were looking at… Well what were we looking at? Guitars, drums, trumpets, mandolins, melophones, banjos, piano, and a violin.

They opened their set quietly, band leader Joe Michelini’s crooning in a manner reminiscent of Springsteen, and I began to worry. We were going to have to endure a chaotic set, riddled with too many instruments and Jersey clichés? Plain and simple: no.

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