Watermark is an upscale venue here on the AP Boardwalk. That being said, they are decidedly inclusive of all kinds of folks that frequent Asbury Park. I love my DIY venues, but sometimes I like to inhabit my grown up self instead of my 16 year old self, who wins favor most of the time. That means beer that costs more than the change I can get up from the floor of my car, served in an actual glass instead of a party cup (and hey I don’t hate on Solo cups at all, just sayin! I like to pretend like I’m high class once in a while).
What’s nice about Wednesday’s at Watermark is that kids ( technically I’m a grown up, like legally, but whatever) like us take over, for what in effect feels like one of those parties you or one of your boys used to throw at your parents really nice house when they went away. The rules are pretty much the same too. Drink whatever you want and play whatever you want, but don’t break anything, or my Dad will get SO mad you guys!
This week S*ALT Live Presents a mellow night featuring area singers and songwriters; Michael Brett, Brian Bisbee, Emily Grove, Collin Rocker, Nick Cucci, and a special set by Michael Dante Summonte. It’s a $5 cover (which goes to pay the bands) and doors are at 8pm, music starts at 8:30. Plus there are tasty drink specials, because everyone knows that it’s scientifically impossible (ask NASA) to be in front of live music without a glass in your hand. So come out and meet some really rad people, see a great live show, and party down in a venue that would make your Mom proud. You’ve got Class, kid, Class!