In rotation: 8/14/18

Kingston, ON | Kingston store owner feeling the love: Brian Lipsin says he is stunned and touched by the love he’s received from the Kingston community this past week. Ever since a flood at his store, Brian’s Record Option, last Saturday, Kingston‘s favourite record store owner has been inundated with messages of support and donations of money and items to keep his store going. A GoFundMe campaign has raised more than $10,000 in one week for Lipsin, and local venues are hosting benefit concerts on his behalf. Private citizens are donating records to help him re-stock and hundreds of comments posted online outline the personal stories of why Brian’s Record Option is so important to the people who have visited there in the past nearly four decades. “It’s been utterly amazing. I feel like I’m a rock star who doesn’t know how to play the guitar,” Lipsin said on Saturday, exactly one week to the hour after he locked his flooded shop, feeling overwhelmed at the potential damage and unsure whether he would be able to reopen.

Wieden+Kennedy Give Life To Vinyl Records In AR: Media that appeals to more than three senses can increase brand impact and engagement by more than 70% (Martin Lindstrom, 2017). We’re seeing an increase in multisensory campaigns that stimulate multiple senses – including this new initiative from Wieden & Kennedy Amsterdam that brings the vinyl experience to life via augmented reality (AR). Listeners can pull up the ad agency’s AR app Lava, and view virtual moving ‘sculptures’ emerging from the record as it spins on the turntable. The first album to utilise the app is the debut from Dutch band Necessary Explosion. The sculptures react and adapt as you move around them, and the app also works with Spotify and Apple Music. In a statement, Anita Fontaine and Geoffrey Lillemon, creative directors of W&K Amsterdam’s Department of New Realities, described the app as “the future digital vinyl sleeve“. They added: “We see this approach as a new emerging genre for lots of artists, one which can open up new possibilities for all kinds of AR music experiences.”

Post Malone Is Dropping A Vinyl Version Of Beerbongs & Bentleys: The vinyl crackle sound is an essential part of a collectors’ pleasurable experience, like a serpentine belt tucked beneath a muscle car. Post Malone of people, grew up listening to vinyl records passed on by his father Rich Post, a locally respected disc jockey in the Grapevine, Texas area. Records like Motley Crue, Bon Jovi, Twisted Sister, AC/DC, Prince, Bruce Springsteen, Duran Duran and Billy Idol were the basis for Post Malone’s earliest childhood memories. Even the record Post Malone surpassed on the All-Time R&B charts, Michael Jackson’s Thriller, was in partly to blame for the CD boom, but only when it re-entered the market as a reissue, unlike 8-track recording technology which is virtually non-adaptable, and with good reason. The distinguishable vinyl crackle is the elusive demarcation of an unclear technology, but those who know it consummately, sing its praises

League Of Gentlemen release vinyl collection. BBC-owned record label Demon has announced a deluxe League Of Gentlemen vinyl box set. The 12-disc collection promises both the soundtrack to the entire original 3 series of TV sitcom The League Of Gentlemen, plus their earlier radio show, On The Town With The League Of Gentlemen. Issued on brightly coloured, heavyweight vinyl discs, the limited edition set will be released on 2nd November and costs £139.99. Orders are now being taken on an exclusive, dedicated website: The set, titled Special Stuff – The League Of Gentlemen’s Vinyl Cuts, is named and styled in homage to Royston Vasey’s master butcher Hilary Briss. The Gents – Mark Gatiss, Jeremy Dyson, Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton – have collaborated with the company and artist Graham Humphreys to create the collection, which also includes an exclusive photo print signed by the four men, and brand new sleeve notes also written by them.

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