Monthly Archives: February 2012

After Muses Parties

My favorite parade that’s not on Fat Tuesday is tonight and Joan Jett is playing the Muses Ball at the Contemporary Arts Center. If you don’t have tickets or don’t feel like partying with thousands of drunken, costumed women here are some other choices.

The semi-official Muses after party, which will feature several of the all women’s marching groups including the Bearded Oysters and the Pussyfooters, is at the 12 Bar. Fittingly, the Local Skank (pictured) and Daria and The Hip Drops—two bands fronted by women—are providing the music.

I just saw these two bands for the first time on separate occasions and I must say they make a fabulous double bill. Wear your neon wig!

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Graded on a Curve:
Son of Bazerk
Bazerk Bazerk Bazerk

Son of Bazerk suffered the double whammy of arriving too late and also too early. Instead of the success they deserved for their enduringly brilliant debut Bazerk Bazerk Bazerk, they had to settle for cult status.

Production by Hank Schocklee and The Bomb Squad insured that the group was in no way behind the times on a musical level, but in terms of presentation and content, they unfortunately fell outside the zeitgeist; savvy in conception while also possessing the requisite intensity, this still underappreciated classic fits rather snuggly into the niche of rap as extroverted, highly social party music.

Problem was, by 1991 the hip-hop tide had changed toward socially relevant, politically conscious, often angry tracts as exemplified by Public Enemy’s Fear of a Black Planet and Ice Cube’s Amerikka’s Most Wanted, both released the previous year and both notably produced by The Bomb Squad. Instead of righteous platforms of truth-telling and uncensored depictions of ghetto existence, Son of Bazerk was a crew dedicated to elevating and extending the time honored tradition of rocking the block and the club with finely tuned precision.

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In the News: Fareveller Festival Announces Full Line-up

In a continued quest to become the city’s premier celebration of independent music, Fareveller Music Festival will once again take place March 22-24 in venues across midtown Memphis.

For three nights, the Young Avenue Deli, Newbys and Otherlands will host shows featuring local and touring artists. Tickets will be $25 for a three-day wristband and individual show tickets will be available. Information on this year’s line up can be found through the official Fareveller website.

The line up includes the following artists:

Maps and Atlases, Eliot Lipp, Mindelixer, Jessica Lea Mayfield, Those Darlins, The Hood Internet, The Black Belles, Canon Blue, Mobley, The Rocketboys, The Memphis Dawls, Youniverse, Greenside Manners, David Ramirez, Ume, Myla Smith, Water Liars

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That’s what I call art: Kraftwerk to perform
at MoMA

The Museum of Modern Art presents its first time-based artist retrospective with Kraftwerk–Retrospective 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, performed live on eight consecutive evenings from April 10 through 17, by Kraftwerk, the avant-garde electronic music pioneers.

Each evening will consist of a live performance, in the Museum’s Donald B. and Catherine C. Marron Atrium, of works from one of the group’s eight albums, created over four decades, followed by a selection of original compositions from their catalogue adapted specifically for this exhibition’s format to showcase both Kraftwerk’s historical contributions and contemporary influences on sound and image culture.

Kraftwerk–Retrospective 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 is organized by Klaus Biesenbach, Chief Curator at Large at MoMA and Director of MoMA PS1, with the assistance of Eliza Ryan, Curatorial Assistant, MoMA PS1.

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Shell Zenner Presents

Greater Manchester’s most in the know radio host Shell Zenner broadcasts the best new music every Monday at 9pm on DIY Radio UK.

You can also catch Shell’s broadcast right here at TVD, each and every Thursday.

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TVD’s 10 Weeks of Record Store Day Vinyl Giveaways: The Joy Formidable The Big Roar

In a bit of karmic congruity, Record Store Day reaches a 5 year milestone this year as does TVD—this lil site you’re presently perusing. Without the raw data in front of me to confirm any suspicions, I have to think both endeavors are somewhat responsible for the renewed interest in vinyl and the uptick in interest as to all things record store.

To celebrate these stars aligning, we’re going full out over the next 10 weeks with the vinyl giveaways (as we’ve done every year to be fair) in anticipation of Record Store Day 2012 which arrives on April 21st this year.

To kick off our vinyl giveaways, we’ve got one of our absolute favorites from last year, The Joy Formidable’s The Big Roar, of which NME swooned, “Led by rock’s new heroine Ritzy Bryan, and swathed in swirling guitarscapes and momentous walls of sound, The Big Roar is the kind of epic-yet-intimate debut that does exactly what its title makes out in the most tactful of styles; an LP that ultimately delivers on every count on the four years of promise leading up to it – primarily in its gutsy, chest-swelling brilliance and partly because, well, you’ll probably be sufficiently acquainted with a fair few of the tracks already…”

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Posted in The TVD Storefront | 8 Comments

TVD Live:
Social Distortion at
The Fox Theater, 2/10

Social Distortion hit the Fox Theater in Oakland last Friday night for the first of a two night run. Touring in support of their latest studio album, 2011’s Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes, it was a sold out crowd waiting for the legendary “punk” band to take the stage.

The band is currently experiencing a career high in terms of commercial success. When Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes was released early last year, it reached number 4 on the Billboard 200 albums chart, marking Social Distortion’s first ever Top 10 album and highest ever peak on that chart in their entire 32 year career.

Why is that happening now? As I have said before, the current state of sub-par musical offerings is forcing true music fans to fall back on bands that they trust to consistently deliver a solid offering. Social Distortion’s track record speaks for itself. Mike Ness and company release records on their terms making the music that they choose to. This is the way the music industry was always supposed to work, but as it crumbles down upon itself, the beneficiaries are artists who have never followed the trends, but instead delivered on what their fans craved (and expected).

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Grooves Shared:
Matt Meade of
Friend Roulette

Since we’re all a tight-knit music-lovin’ community, we created this segment so that some of our good friends who are doing good things in the industry of human happiness could share the records that they’ve been diggin’ on lately.

Our third edition of Grooves Shared comes from the super-talented ‘Melty’ Matt Meade from Brooklyn’s Friend Roulette. It’s hard to pigeonhole Friend Roulette’s sound because they’re all over the place…in the best kind of way. At one moment, beautifully melodic chamber pop while at the next, cacophonous tribal psych. But definitely infectiously melty.

Give your ears a gander for themselves at Bandcamp, and download their EP free and take this one for a spin!

This is definitely a band to hear/see live, so be sure to catch Friend Roulette with two of my other favorite bands, Amen Dunes and Quilt on Friday, February 24th!

And now on to Matt’s selections of 5 bands he’s jamming to lately.

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Posted in TVD New York City | 2 Comments

Another Cup of Coffee with Witnesse

DJ Witnesse, real name Jason Sims, is a gifted guy. As a DJ and student of music, his talent for effortlessly blending musical styles is awe-inspiring. He’s shared the stage with Pretty Lights, Rusko, Girl Talk, Big Gigantic and many others. He’s played festivals like Spring Rites, Beale Street Music Festival and Bonnaroo. He is not only an innovative DJ on his own, he is also the man behind the decks for the inventors of aristocrunk, Lord T and Eloise.

He can turn on a dime from dubstep to jazz, from techno to hip hop, melding the best elements of any genre into something new, exciting, and uniquely his. But as a person—in this case, a person teaching me Electronica 101—he’s patient, thoughtful, and passionate about the music he loves.

Conversations like this are why I do “Another Cup”: Memphis music—like electronica itself—isn’t a monolith. It’s bigger than what our parents listened to, and certainly bigger than our own self-made bubbles (in my case: singer-songwriters, rock, and soul). Memphis music at its best has always been about shaking people out of their comfort zones. In talking with Jason, and in listening to his music, I was thrilled to step outside of my own.

Now, enjoyAnother Cup of Coffee with Witnesse! 

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TVD Recommends: Asleep Record Release Show at the Ultra Lounge, 2/18

Record release shows are always a blast and as you can imagine, if the band happens to be releasing on vinyl, things only tend to get better. And if that band happens to be Cleveland’s Asleep, then you’re in for one hell of a show.

Asleep just released their third full-length effort, Unpleasant Companion last Tuesday, and this Saturday, 2/18, they will be headed to the Ultra Lounge in Chicago for their record release show.

The group’s experimental, indie-rock sound seems to be working just fine considering the 10,000+ physical copies that they’ve sold of their first two records. You can get a taste for what Asleep is all about in the music video for Unpleasant Companion’s first single, “Hip to Deaf”.

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TVD Live: Chicago Mixtape 1 Year Anniversary Show at the Subterranean, 2/11

Last Saturday, 2/11, Chicago Mixtape celebrated their 1 year anniversary of sharing amazing free music from local Chicago bands. On Saturday, Casey Meehan the founder and creator of Chicago Mixtape, brought four of the Chicago’s best together for one night. The lineup included Architecture , The Damn Choir, Elephant Gun, and headliner The Shams Band.

While the rest of the city froze in temperatures lower than 18 degrees, TVD-CHI was at the Subterranean enjoying an open bar and some fantastic music.

Opening the show was the female trio, Architecture. Their nostalgic psychedelic-pop sound and echoing rock was an amazing dynamic to start off the night. Playing through a few new tracks alongside their debut release, When We Were Young, Architecture put on a truly hypnotic set.

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Introducing: Point Reyes

Upon first listen, perhaps you could find a correlation to Animal Collective or Dirty Projectors in the delivery or composition of Point Reyes’ music. Forget the thought as immediately as it entered your head. This band is an entity unto itself, enveloping its listeners in orchestrations comprising expansive vibraphone, thick bass, luscious cello, guitar, and eerie vocals that weave stories filled with whimsy. 

Point Reyes‘ music is a perfect representation of quality musicianship; they shift effortlessly from moments of delicate composition into something that is chaotic, free. In these freer moments, their music exposes the world, like peeling the rind from an orange, releasing beneath a freshness that will revitalize your tired soul.

In performance, they exhibit a passive intensity. Delicate moments are attacked by intense eruptions. Members Kyle Farrell (vibraphone/drumset), Dan Bindschedler (cello/bass) and Jack Randall (bass/drumset) float around the stage, switching instruments with an organic ease. Asa Horvitz delivers lyrics in a haunting voice that has remained in mind long after their set ended.

We chatted with Horvitz to give you some insight into the band’s roots, their time spent in Poland, and the importance of musical growth.

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TVD Recommends: Yellowbirds and Woodsman at Mercury Lounge, 2/17

Well, our friends over at Dog Gone Blog (who did a great Bert Jansch edition of Grooves Shared for us) have teamed up with Bowery Presents for a killer double bill Friday night at Mercury Lounge. And I recently had both the Yellowbirds and Woodsman on my East Village Radio show.

Here’s all the pertinent info in the Facebook invite and we’ll see ya there on Friday! Enjoy a couple jams in the meantime.

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Who the hell is:
The Big Nowhere

Can you tell us a bit about the origins of The Big Nowhere?

The Big Nowhere started when Billy and I were working together and we’d make mix CDs to play at work. We were both in different bands at the time (I was in Brown Eye Superfly, and Billy was in Summersalt), and the kind of music we loved most was a world apart from what we were doing in those bands. We each had a bunch of songs written that we’d play for one another, kinda indulging in a little one-upmanship, when one of us would write something the other really liked, it would inspire the other to outdo it.

Over a few tequilas one night in an empty basement pub we sketched out The Big Nowhere on the back of a cigarette packet. We’d do the whole thing ourselves, recording in my living room, trying to capture a sound and more importantly a vibe that was just missing from music at that point. We wanted to recreate the feel of the albums in our record collections that had been handed down to us from our parents and grandparents like stone tablets.

We have an anything-goes attitude to music. The song dictates how it goes, not us. It’ll pull you in the direction or feel it wants to go in, and you just have to follow. Sometimes you end up with something completely different from what you started with, but that’s part of the excitement of writing music. When we play live, we switch up the instruments depending on who we have available to do the show, and that’s one of the things we wanted to do most when we first started the band. Every performance is different, and that’s how we think it should be.

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The DC Record Fair, Lincoln’s Birthday Ed.
in Photos

Despite Sunday’s biting cold, hundreds of the DMV’s record buying faithful turned up at DC’s Riot Act Comedy Theater to partake in the first DC Record Fair of 2012.

We set loose three of TVD’s photographers, Taylor Welch, Erica Bruce, and Steve VanSickle to capture the day for us.

Taylor Welch:

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