TVD Video Premiere: Noelle Tannen,
“Ride U Slo”

NYC-based jazz lark Noelle Tannen is back with another soulful gem to follow up last year’s lauded single, “Proof.”

It’s clear that Tannen is keen to imbue her work with socially pressing issues such as gender equality and political transparency, exploring what it means to exist as a female in the modern world. “Ride U Slo” is a bit more ambiguous in nature, less of a statement and more of a perfect example of her theatrical synthesis of genres, bouncing from low slung neo soul to retro horn-laden funk.

Tannen delicately harps on the benefits of taking a blooming romance one step at a time but never seems to lose the lusty emotional thread which keeps things hot and engaging. The sweaty, tongue in cheek video, directed and edited by Mary Glen Fredrick, depicts a hilariously defective group workout routine and is a perfect accompaniment to the zesty single.

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