Pixies’ Joey Santiago:
In-store with TVD at
DC’s Som Records

PHOTOS: RICHIE DOWNS | It’s become somewhat of a common practice when we’re coordinating our In-store at Som Records shoots, when there’s a band involved, to suggest that at least 2 members try to be available for the filming. Over time we’ve found that this lends itself to comfortable on camera interaction and more free flowing conversation and ultimately a stronger outcome—although we’ve been pleasantly surprised in the past among several solo outings.

Which brings us to the Pixies whose tour came through Washington, DC a number of weeks back in support of their current release Head Carrier. Happily their record store friendly team was open to our request to participate and offered that Mr. Joey Santiago—the band’s vinyl aficionado—would be delighted to come by for a hang and a record rummage. “Fantastic!” we replied and suggested that an additional Pixie or 2 might benefit the segment as well for the reasons noted above.

“No, no—alllll you’ll need is Joey,” we were told. And that proved easily accurate.

Not only was he just up for the shoot, Santiago popped by the shop the afternoon prior to filming to get the lay of the land and do some pre-shoot browsing. He’s that guy with the vintage audio gear and the attention to detail when it comes to tubes and wires and cables he told us with genuine enthusiasm—and he’s pretty fucking funny too.

So, let’s wait no further—we’re record shopping with the Pixies’ Joey Santiago at Washington, DC’s Som Records.

Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – Joey Santiago of Pixies record shopping at Som Records. (Photo by Richie Downs)

Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – Joey Santiago of Pixies record shopping at Som Records. (Photo by Richie Downs)

Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – Joey Santiago of Pixies record shopping at Som Records. (Photo by Richie Downs)

Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – Joey Santiago of Pixies record shopping at Som Records. (Photo by Richie Downs)

Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – Joey Santiago of Pixies record shopping at Som Records. (Photo by Richie Downs)

Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – Joey Santiago of Pixies record shopping at Som Records. (Photo by Richie Downs)

Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – Joey Santiago of Pixies record shopping at Som Records. (Photo by Richie Downs)

Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – Joey Santiago of Pixies record shopping at Som Records. (Photo by Richie Downs)

Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – Joey Santiago of Pixies record shopping at Som Records. (Photo by Richie Downs)

Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – Joey Santiago of Pixies record shopping at Som Records. (Photo by Richie Downs)

Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – Joey Santiago of Pixies record shopping at Som Records. (Photo by Richie Downs)

Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – Joey Santiago of Pixies record shopping at Som Records. (Photo by Richie Downs)

Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – Joey Santiago of Pixies record shopping at Som Records. (Photo by Richie Downs)

Washington, DC – May 16, 2017 – Joey Santiago of Pixies record shopping at Som Records. (Photo by Richie Downs)

Pixies’ Head Carrier is in stores now—on vinyl.
Pixies Official | Facebook | Twitter

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