Sleeping At Last,
The TVD First Date

“Nat King Cole’s Christmas music is the first memory I have of vinyl.”

“My parents had a record player and would mostly play records around the holidays. Nat King Cole, George Winston, The Carpenters and others are my earliest musical memories. But my first personal experience with vinyl of my own accord, was at local resale shops as a teenager.

I knew very little about music, but I would scour every resale shop I could, to find interesting records I had never seen or heard of before. I’d buy them based on their album art alone, which led to some really interesting finds that ended up inspiring me and the music I make today, at least in some subtle way.

I discovered Simon & Garfunkel, Queen, Pink Floyd and so many others. Some of my favorite discoveries were from a record company called Command Records. Each album cover featured a simple colorful abstract painting. I loved how they looked and found the music just as fascinating.

The music was ’50s/’60s orchestra/pop music—looking back, it has more of an Austin Powers feel than I’d like to admit. But the instrumentation was all over the map and I thought it was so great! Those records introduced me to some of my favorite instruments.

My vinyl collection has continued to grow ever since. My latest obsession is collecting my favorite film scores on vinyl. (Mondo makes some incredible limited edition vinyl!) And it’s been a great joy to have my own music pressed on vinyl.”
Ryan O’Neal

Sleeping At Last, the Chicago based singer-songwriter, producer, and composer Ryan O’Neal just released his new track “Touch.” The track will appear on his upcoming EP “Atlas: Senses EP” in stores early 2016. The EP will feature 5 tracks highlighting the 5 senses.

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